Working Ahead Can Make You Happier

Productivity is something that everyone (and especially creatives) can struggle with at times. When you have to produce organic, creative work, it doesn’t always feel like a switch that you can simply turn on. Luckily, there are steps you can take to increase your productivity, and reduce the time you lose to creative blocks. One of the best things you can do for your own happiness as a creative is to work ahead. You’ve probably been told to work ahead of deadlines before, and maybe the rush of procrastination leads to your best ideas, but working ahead when possible does have advantages.

Working Ahead Gives You the Freedom to Create

If the creative project you’re working on involves drawing, you may not feel inspired to draw in the moment. Often, the thrill of a deadline is necessary to force you to create. However, rather than risking a hard deadline with a client or someone counting on you, try setting your own deadlines. Consider finding someone to help keep you accountable to those deadlines. Working ahead of actual deadlines will force you to think about the project, and every bit of mental energy spent on the project will help it come together in the long run.

You Can Work Ahead in a Number of Different Ways

If doing something creative were as easy as “just doing it,” then you would never have any problems, so maybe hearing the advice, “Work ahead,” feels a little patronizing. However, there are a number of ways that you can work ahead. Even if you’re not in the mood to sit down and work on the specific task in question, is there something supportive that you can do? Can you take care of another task that you would have to work on later? Can you plan for how you’re going to attack your creative pursuit by scheduling? Working on something — anything — at least creates more time in your schedule so that when you do feel inspired, you’re ready to act.

Try to Separate Your Happiness from the Creative Process

This is a difficult piece of advice to follow, but it can really help. When you tie your happiness directly to the creative process, you’re going to end up dragging yourself down a lot. You have to be able to feel satisfaction and happiness while making progress on your goals and projects. If you only feel accomplished at the end of a project, you’re going to end up chasing that feeling, and it’s likely to produce creative blocks along the way. Take pride in working on your project, no matter what phase it is in.

Dunn Brothers Coffee Is Your Creative Resource

Whether you’re creating a five year plan, writing a short story, or organizing a special event, Dunn Brothers Coffee is your Coralville workstation. Comfy seating, community table options, and a wealth of natural light make Dunn Brothers an ideal place to get ahead on your next project. Learn about all of the amazing coffee and food items we have to offer by contacting Dunn Brothers Coffee in Coralville, IA at 319-665-2020.