What We Look for in a Coffee Roast

We take a lot of pride in roasting our own coffee in-store. It’s one of the things that makes Dunn Brothers Coffee unique. We have control over the development of our bean flavor profiles, which is exciting for us. Our master roasters can use different combinations of time, temperature, and relative humidity to achieve just the right roast. It also means that we can constantly make little adjustments in pursuit of that perfect roast. Here’s what we look for when we roast coffee, and why we love having this opportunity.

We Want to Match Our Roasts to the Natural Profile of the Beans We Use

In addition to roasting our coffee beans in-store, we also utilize a wide variety of Fair Trade coffee beans when roasting. Based on the climate where the beans are grown, each variety of bean has differing natural properties that lend flavor. It’s our job to choose the right roasting conditions for each bean to bring the best out of it. We may choose a darker roast for a Peruvian variety of coffee, to accentuate the chocolate and spicy notes in the beans. We may choose a lighter roast for another variety to evoke the citrus profile from inside the bean. Finding that perfect pairing is a matter of experience and artistry.

You Might Look for Different Flavors Within a Roast

Many people use the broad categories of light, medium, and dark roast to classify the coffee that they drink. While these roast categories can give you a general idea about the coffee you’re drinking, they don’t tell the whole story. The specific flavor notes within your coffee are products of the natural properties of the beans. Citrus, chocolate, caramel, oak, spice — these qualities can be accentuated or brought down by the roast, and that’s what the roast master attempts to perfect. If you think of yourself as a “dark roast drinker,” you may actually find a light coffee roast with the perfect flavor profile for you too.

We’re Coffee Nerds, So Talk to Us About This Stuff

The intricacies of coffee are why we do what we do. We’re coffee nerds — from our roasters to our baristas — so feel free to talk to us about this stuff! If you’ve got questions about roasts, bean varieties, or brewing techniques, feel free to send them our way. We want to pair you with the perfect variety of bean to give you the best coffee drinking experience possible. In addition to our house roasts, we also serve specialty drinks, cold brew, smoothies, and tea, so you can always find something perfect for you.

Visit Dunn Brothers Coffee in Coralville

To find your perfect roast and bean pairing, visit Dunn Brothers Coffee in Coralville, IA. We’ll be happy to point you in the right direction. You can inquire about bean varieties by contacting Dunn Brothers Coffee, in Coralville, IA at 319-665-2020.