Are You Satisfied with Yourself?

The social media era is basically the age of comparison. It has never been easier to compare yourself to your peers, or aspirational figures. With comparison available to you at your fingertips constantly, it’s actually pretty easy to feel dissatisfied with the work you’re doing creatively, or where you’re at personally and professionally. Often, this is totally unfair to yourself. You may be doing excellent things, but when you compare yourself to others, it’s always possible to find shortcomings. So, in the spirit of mindfulness and self care, here are some tips on how to remain satisfied with yourself.

Look at Your Work in a Vacuum

Don’t think about the work you’re doing professionally or personally as something to be ranked. Ultimately, you are the person who gives value to your own work. Ask yourself whether or not you’re happy with that work, but try to dissociate from comparisons. Are you doing what you set out to do? If you think your work should improve, what could you be doing differently? Answer this question without using phrases like, “I wish I was more like…” or “It’s not as ___ as…” You should also consider the amount of effort you’re putting into these projects and pursuits. Don’t be harsh with yourself.

Focus on Positives and Build on Them

Focusing on weaknesses and shortcomings is a natural tendency. You may think that this is the best way to get better — to evaluate what’s not working and try to fix it. However, this process can also lead to a lot of negativity. As an alternative, think about the things that are going well. What do you excel at? What makes your work stand out? Focus on these traits and build on them. Everyone has shortcomings, but focusing on them isn’t always productive. Accentuating the things you do well can help you shine.

Unplugging for a While Is Always an Option

You already know this, but no one is forcing you to be on social media. While these platforms can be beneficial — and sometimes a vehicle to promote the work you’re doing — they can also be toxic places when misused. Give yourself the option to unplug for a while, especially if you feel yourself caught in a comparison spiral. Social media will be there when you get back. You may find yourself more creatively inspired when you aren’t constantly seeing the work of other people and comparing yourself.

Dunn Brothers Coffee Is Your Positivity Station

We want you to focus on what makes you special! That’s why we focus on roasting our own small batches of coffee beans in store. We love coffee, and getting to share delicious brews with the members of our community is what makes us shine. Learn about all of the different beverage and roast options we provide by contacting Dunn Brothers Coffee in Coralville, IA at 319-665-2020.