Category Archives: Productivity

Do You Know How to Prioritize?

The most effective ways to maximize your productivity come down to your approach. It’s not realistic to think that you’ll get significantly faster at tasks you regularly do. The better way to increase your productivity is to focus on how you prepare to do said tasks. Are you an organized person? Are you able to identify and prioritize the items on your agenda? Building this skill can help you digest and complete a list of wide-ranging tasks for different clients or areas of interest. In today’s blog, we explore how you can prioritize your to-do list and make it less intimidating. Continue reading Do You Know How to Prioritize?

Have You Tried Physical Organization Guides?

The world around us is getting increasingly digital, which makes it easier to share media and schedules in an instant. You can carry your whole agenda with you on the go and create your best work from anywhere. While digital organization can be effective and convenient, there’s still value in physical organization tools and guides. Having something to hold onto or to move physically can help you better visualize the task on which you’re working. If you’re someone who struggles to stay on task and organized in the moment, consider trying some of these physical organization guides. Continue reading Have You Tried Physical Organization Guides?

Give Yourself a Creative Retreat

Creativity can come from anywhere at any time. That means you have to be prepared to go with the flow when creativity strikes. It also means that creative blocks can strike suddenly. You may feel like you don’t have any agency when it comes to harnessing your own creativity, but that’s not true! There are steps you can take to unleash your own creative process. One of the most effective ways to create is by getting out of your normal routine. In today’s blog, we cover how you can give yourself a creative retreat. Continue reading Give Yourself a Creative Retreat

Stay Organized to Increase Productivity

Everyone has a different preference for how they organize their workflow. You can find a study that points to the validity of any kind of organizational structure. We’ve all heard that geniuses tend to be messy. However, generally speaking, organization can help increase your productivity. You can still work in a chaotic environment if that’s best for you, but organizing the chaos will help. Having a consistent organization to your work environment and your workflow can keep you on task and help you meet deadlines. Here are some steps that you can take. Continue reading Stay Organized to Increase Productivity

Let’s Talk About Vacation Scheduling

Summer is almost here, and it’s time to prepare for this fun season of grill outs, pool days, and vacations! Summer vacation can be your chance to experience something new or truly relax for a few days. Planning your vacation is all about doing what’s best for you. After you make your plans for your summer vacation, you have to set up your scheduling around your vacation. You need to make sure that work projects are taken care of, and that your travel schedule is in order so that the process of going on vacation doesn’t just stress you out. Continue reading Let’s Talk About Vacation Scheduling

Helpful Tips for Creating Your Home Office

Whether you’re a full-time freelancer, or you happen to have some flex hours built into your schedule, you may have the pleasure (or potential pitfall) of working from home. Of course the idea of working from home sounds wonderful. It means a more flexible schedule and the ability to tend to pets, kids, and any errands you may need to do. However, without the right level of discipline or planning, working from home can go awry. You still need to put in the amount of time and focus that you would in the office. Here are some helpful tips for those that work from home. Continue reading Helpful Tips for Creating Your Home Office

Working Ahead Can Make You Happier

Productivity is something that everyone (and especially creatives) can struggle with at times. When you have to produce organic, creative work, it doesn’t always feel like a switch that you can simply turn on. Luckily, there are steps you can take to increase your productivity, and reduce the time you lose to creative blocks. One of the best things you can do for your own happiness as a creative is to work ahead. You’ve probably been told to work ahead of deadlines before, and maybe the rush of procrastination leads to your best ideas, but working ahead when possible does have advantages. Continue reading Working Ahead Can Make You Happier

Create More Time for Yourself with a Better Schedule

Everyone has had the thought that, “I wish there were more of me,” or “I wish I could be two places at once,” or “I wish I had more time.” Well, unless you’ve got some sort of magical power that the rest of us can’t even begin to comprehend, you can’t manufacture more time. It will sadly always be a scarce commodity for creatives. However, what you can do is make more efficient use of the time that exists. When you do a better job of managing your schedule, you’ll find that you can get more time out of each day. Continue reading Create More Time for Yourself with a Better Schedule

How Do You Create Through Slow Times?

Every creative knows the up and down cycle that accompanies their work. Whether it’s your own creativity or the regularity with which you’re getting work, slow times happen. Your employment may be seasonal, and your creativity can always take a dip based on the weather, your mood, or any other number of factors. During these slower times, how do you create? Every creative wants to be able to produce quality work, even when they’re not feeling inspired or busy. In today’s blog, we explore some ways to create through the slow times. Continue reading How Do You Create Through Slow Times?

Let’s Talk Goal Setting in 2019

How do you gameplan for the new year? Setting resolutions can be a helpful exercise, but only if you approach the activity from the right angle. Too often, we make resolutions that rely on us to adopt a behavior or avoid another for the entire year. Anything less is considered a breach of contract and gives us license to backslide into old behaviors. Instead of making a hard and fast resolution that you have to adhere to for the entire year, think about setting smaller, incremental goals for 2019. Check in with yourself monthly and decide if you’re on track. And of course, give yourself a break when you slip up! Continue reading Let’s Talk Goal Setting in 2019